Clark good news updates on 11 Nov. '98 page updated 31march2008

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Clark is back home again!!!

Clark's photo

How Clark got back home is a mystery!


Nov. 10, 1998.

The animal rights organisation BITE BACK has reported that about four months ago the Dalmatian, Clark, mysteriously reappeared on almost the same spot from where he had been stolen on the l7th of April 1997. He was walking loose, no human was near him! He was healthy, in good condition and had obviously been well taken care of...

Clark, an uncastrated male dog was a year and a half old when he had been stolen from the terrain of a transport company in The Hague, The Netherlands. Clark's owners missed him very much and did everything they could think of to get him back. Clark posters (from Biteback) were distributed to companies in the area where Clark had been stolen, and to vets, animal organizations, and Dalmatian club members around the country. Also the Clark web page was added to the Toby & Mickey site on the Internet. Clark's owners even went to a telepathist (a clairvoyant) who told them that Clark was not only alive and ok, but was by himself in a nearby wooded area! That was hard to believe, a dog could not live in Holland on its own without being detected...

Oddly enough, the transport company, where he was last seen in April, 1997, had since moved away from that industry terrein location. Their old location was empty when Clark came back last summer, but the Chrysler company across the street were still there.

Some alert people at Chrysler happened to notice a Dalmatian wandering back and forth alone across the street, and sniffing the ground - he looked like Clark! ("...a miracle if it is really Clark!") They immediately called Clark's owner who by now worked in the downtown of the Hague... and she rushed out there to be greeted by her dear Clark running to her with joy!

He was in very good condition; well fed, well groomed, had no wounds, no scars and showed no signs of mistreatment. Miracles do happen!

How Clark got back there after more than a year is a real mystery. Who brought Clark back? What caused his anoynomous return? The Biteback folks think that the huge amount of Clark publicity finally got the better of the "thief". Some think that whoever took him might have decided he was too much for them to take care of.
Whatever the answers are, what matters the most is that Clark got back home again.

I think this can be a good lesson for all of us - the power of love, the strength of hope and perserverance...

For myself I want to thank all of you who visited Clark's web page (with the BiteBack poster I was given) and also helped to spread the word for him.

Rosemarie, 11/11/98

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"Amivedi-Nederland bestaat al bijna 75 jaar. In die tijd heeft zij veel ervaring opgedaan en veel contacten opgebouwd. Daardoor is de kans groot dat een vermist of gevonden huisdier weer bij de eigenaar terugkomt."

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